当你遇到错误 "name 'enum' is not defined" 时,通常意味着 Python 解释器无法识别 enum 这个名称,因为它没有被正确定义或导入。以下是一些可能的解决方案和检查步骤: 确认'enum'模块是否已正确导入: 在Python 中,enum 是一个内置模块,用于定义枚举类型。如果你的代码中没有导入 enum,Python 解释器将无法识别 E...
Description What steps will reproduce the problem? run - run profiler console output: NameError: name 'enum' is not defined In [2]: import enum In [3]: enum Out[3]: <module 'enum' from 'C:\Users\BrunoJacobs\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\...
I pip install gsutil on a Mac OS 10.10 laptop and receive this error. I was under the impression that enum was a python 3.4 feature. The pypi package may need updating to list this as a dependency? Activity Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?
由于类型声明(type, interface)并不属于JS,所以可以使用declare,有的包不支持ts时安装@types/包名就能得到类型声明就是这个原因。但是enum不是类型声明,所以你这样用就错了,enum必须export,然后再import使用才可以。 declare namespace似乎已经要淘汰了,我猜可能就是容易混淆的原因,我现在都用declare module了,其中只能...
As I mentioned before, the CodeTypeDeclaration class is used to represent classes in the CodeDOM; however, it may also be used to represent enumerations, interfaces, and structs. The type you are representing is noted by setting the appropriate public property—IsClass, IsEnum, IsInterface, or...
The UniqueValues object uses the DupeUnique property to returns or sets an enum that determines whether the rule should look for duplicate or unique values in the range. UpBars Represents the up bars in a chart group. Up bars connect points on series one with higher values on the last se...
EnumBuilder 属性 程序集 AssemblyQualifiedName BaseType DeclaringType FullName GUID IsByRefLike IsConstructedGenericType IsSZArray IsTypeDefinition IsVariableBoundArray 模块 名称 命名空间 ReflectedType TypeHandle UnderlyingField UnderlyingSystemType 方法
Enums Expand table ActionPreference Defines the Action Preference options. These options determine what will happen when a particular type of event occurs. For example, setting shell variable ErrorActionPreference to "Stop" will cause the command to stop when an otherwise non-terminating error ...
SocketOptionName Enum Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: System.Net.Sockets Assembly: System.Net.Sockets.dll Defines configuration option names. C# Copy public enum SocketOptionName Inheritance Object ValueType Enum SocketOptionName Fields Expand table NameValueDescription DontLinger -129 ...
'<name1>' conflicts with a <type> by the same name defined in '<name2>' '<name1>' for the Imports '<name2>' does not refer to a Namespace, Class, Structure, Enum or Module '<name1>' is ambiguous, imported from the namespaces or types '<name2>' '<namespace>' is not a va...