NameError:名称“IP”未定义 当我查看代码时: #!/usr/bin/python#for python 3 , must install scapy for python3 first by type command "pip3 install scapy-python3"importscapy.allframe = scapy.all.Ether(dst="15:16:89:fa:dd:09") / IP(dst="") / TCP() /"This is my payload"...
using (SqlConnection srcConn = new SqlConnection(srcConstr)) using (SqlCommand srcCmd = new SqlCommand("select top 5 * from employees", srcConn)) { srcConn.Open(); using (DbDataReader reader = srcCmd.ExecuteReader()) { using (SqlBulkCopy bulkcopy = new SqlBulkCopy(dstConn)) { bulkc...
Oddly, when I inspect the user defined network it doesn't list any containers. [ { "args": { "podman_labels": { "": "internal-network", "com.docker.compose.project": "network-issue", "com.docker.compose.version": "1.25.0" } }, "cniVersion": "0.4.0",...
Some unit tests are failing due to a missing import in scapy\arch\windows\, see: ###(053)=[failed] Sending and receiving an ICMP >>> x=sr1(IP(dst="")/ICMP(),timeout=3) Traceback (most recent call last): File...
dst = "C:/Users/liora/Documents/Engineering/3rd Year/Individual project (EG3005)/Music Genre Classification/archive/songs/output.wav" # Convert wav to mp3 sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3(src) sound.export(dst, format="wav") The output I believe I should get is: ...
The following is an example of a successful NBT Query request: + Frame: Base frame properties + ETHERNET: ETYPE = 0x0800 : Protocol = IP: DOD Internet Protocol + IP: ID = 0xF421; Proto = UDP; Len: 78 + UDP: Src Port: NETBIOS Name Service, (137); Dst Port: NETBIOS Name Servi...
using (SqlConnection srcConn = new SqlConnection(srcConstr)) using (SqlCommand srcCmd = new SqlCommand("select top 5 * from employees", srcConn)) { srcConn.Open(); using (DbDataReader reader = srcCmd.ExecuteReader()) { using (SqlBulkCopy bulkcopy = new SqlBulkCopy(dstConn)) { bulk...
of type Host TALLGUY + Frame: Base frame properties + ETHERNET: ETYPE = 0x0800 : Protocol = IP: DOD Internet Protocol + IP: ID = 0xEEA8; Proto = UDP; Len: 61 + UDP: Src Port: Unknown, (4715); Dst Port: DNS (53); Length = 41 (0x29) DNS: 0x1587:Std Qry ...
the name of the time zone // EST is the abbreviation used when DST is off // 6 hours is the time difference from GMT // EDT is the abbreviation used when DST is on // ,M3 is the third month // .2 is the second occurrence of the day in the month // .0 is Sunday // ,...
of type Host TALLGUY + Frame: Base frame properties + ETHERNET: ETYPE = 0x0800 : Protocol = IP: DOD Internet Protocol + IP: ID = 0xEEA8; Proto = UDP; Len: 61 + UDP: Src Port: Unknown, (4715); Dst Port: DNS (53); Length = 41 (0x29) DNS: 0x1587:Std Qry ...