NameError: name 'CreateSparkContext' is not defined 可能是由于对齐问题,主程序使用空格,而函数定义使用了Tab,两个看起来一样,实际上不一样。 参考: 代码语言:html 复制 https://blog.csdn.net/ywsydwsbn/article/details/105601833 原创声明:本文系作者授权腾讯云开发者社区发表,未经许可,不得转载。 如有侵权...
Messagebox name is not defined Ask Question Asked2 years, 11 months ago Modified2 years, 11 months ago Viewed157 times 0 When I create a couple of definitions in between each other, it sometimes doesn't see theimports, such as massege box, destroy from tkinter, and sleep command from ...
Provides solutions to the error - The namespace cannot be queried. The RPC server is unavailable when you access, modify, or create a DFS Namespace.
2 class draw_maze(screen):NameError:name 'screen' is not defined'''create on 2013\08\31@author XGong'''import pygamefrom pygame.locals import *from random import randint,choiceglobal screen_sizescreen_size=800global r_colorr_color=(0,0,0)class room(object)def __init__(self,x,y)self...
I am reaching out to determine if anyone has found a work around for this issue. I am attempting create an executable using auto-py-to-exe and unfortunately it is failing due to 'obj' not defined. Additionally, I believe that this same issue is happening with the module statsmodels.api ...
pytest name is not definedAsk Question Asked 4 years, 6 months ago Modified 2 months ago Viewed 3k times 2 I'm following this tutorial to setup pytest with my project. I create a new project with the following structure and code: /src /main.py /tests /test_pytest.py main.py def ...
return self.create_fn(self.source.select(local_builder, global_builder), self) File "/home/yj/anaconda3/envs/dyna/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/_dynamo/guards.py", line 327, in CONSTANT_MATCH val = self.get(guard.name) File "/home/yj/anaconda3/envs/dyna/lib/python3.8/site-package...
pipeline.add(cv2.imgproc.Matcher_create(cv2.ml.SVM_create())) 定义输出关键字 OutputKeys = pipeline.OutputKeys 定义任务 Tasks = pipeline.Tasks 定义输入图像路径 file_path = os.path.join("C:", "Users", "Administrator", "Desktop", "demo", "1.png") 运行图像处理管道 result = pipeline(Tasks...
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