\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js""install""srt-to-vtt""-g"14verbose node v14.18.115verbose npm v6.14.1516errorcode EINVALIDPACKAGENAME17errorInvalid packagename"_@babel_parser@7.15.8@@babel":namecannot start with an underscore;namecan only contain URL-friendly...
Briefly, this error occurs when you try to create a mapping type in Elasticsearch that starts with an underscore (‘_’). Elasticsearch reserves names starting with underscores for internal operations. To resolve this issue, rename the mapping type to something that doesn’t start with an undersc...
The Unicode character range is not supported. A name cannot begin with a digit. Some tool implementations prepend an underscore (_) to a string if the user supplies a digit as the initial character. See Also Reference x:Name Attribute x:Key Attribute Other Resources XAML...
A name cannot begin with a digit. Some tool implementations prepend an underscore (_) to a string if the user supplies a digit as the initial character. Remarks The specified x:Name becomes the name of a field that is created in the underlying code when XAML is processed, and that field...
Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions. - [XML] Include underscore symbol in NameStartChar (#3759) · jon-xi/grammars-v4@63143de
The user-definable portion of a NetBIOS name cannot begin with an asterisk (*). Use of extended characters, the underscore (_) and period (.) in particular, can result in name resolution errors in environments that also use DNS name resolution. NetBIOS names are not case-sensitive....
An underscore (_) is permitted anywhere in the user name, including at the beginning or end of the name. When you create a group, the number sign (#) can be used as part of the group's name. However, the email address you create for a distribution group or shared mailbox can...
The filename 未命名.ipa in the package contains an invalid character(s). The valid characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash, period, underscore, but the name cannot start with a dash, period, or underscore 把ipa的名字换成中文就OK了,就这么简单。
The string values used forNamehave some restrictions, as imposed by the underlyingx:Name Directivedefined by the XAML specification. Most notably, aNamemust start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores. For more information, seeWPF ...
You can form namespace names from any printable character in the ISO Latin 1 set. However, the names cannot start with these characters:@ < > + [ ] - / = . , : ; To use a string, enclose it in double quotes. To use a quote sign in the name, quote the sign too (for example...