builtins.NameError 'Session' is not defined 解决办法:卸载最新版 SQLAlchemy 1.4 ,重新安装 SQLAlchemy 1.3。 重现步骤: 随便quickstart 一个项目 运行gearbox serve --reload 打开http://,点 Login,输入 bootstrap 中的用户名 manager 和密码 managepass 登录成功后,点击 Groups 或 Users 等表...
>>> import string>>> string.atoi('10') + 414分析:错误原因说,name 'string' is not defined...
input_func = raw_input if "raw_input" in __builtins__.__dict__ else input return input_func(prompt) 2020-10-11 22:22:37
内建作用域是通过一个名为 builtin 的标准模块来实现的,但是这个变量名自身并没有放入内置作用域内,所以必须导入这个文件才能够使用它。在 Python3.0 中,可以使用以下的代码来查看到底预定义了哪些变量: import builtinsdir(builtins)['ArithmeticError','AssertionError','AttributeError','BaseException','Blocking...
{'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x00000000025222C8>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__file__': 'F:...
在Python3.x中,可以使用以下的代码来查看到底预定义了哪些变量: >>> import builtins >>> dir(builtins) Python 中只有模块(module),类(class...: name 'msg_inner' is not defined >>> 从报错的信息上看,说明了 msg_inner 未定义,无法使用,因为它是局部变量,只有在函数内可以使用。...UnboundLocalE...
{'__builtins__': None}, variables): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'arm_neon' is not defined while evaluating condition 'v8_can_use_vfp2_instructions=="true" or arm_neon==1 or arm_fpu=="vfpv3" or arm_fpu=="vfpv3-d16"' in /home/pi/node/deps/v8/...
Here is what printing the attributes of therandommodule looks like when I have a filerandom.pyin the same directory. main.py importrandom# ⛔️ ['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',# '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']print(dir...
Possible Solutions to Resolve NameError: Name xrange Is Not Defined in Python Use range() Method Use xrange=range Use past.builtins Library This NameError: Name 'xrange' Is Not Defined in Python is one of the errors which can occur while using Python. Our objective is to identify the unde...