swAddinBrokerBBoxOption_e Bounding box options. Bitmask. swAdditionalSymbol_e Additional symbols in Gtol frame boxes. swAddMateError_e Status after adding or editing a mate. swAddOrdinateDims_e Types of ordinate dimensions. swAddSpecificDimension_e Status...
This property is not supported in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 or later. PowerPoint disregards color animations for animations that use the AnimColor element. b. The standard defines the property "charPosture", contained within the attribute smil:attributeName This property is not supported in Pow...
pagingEnabled='false' preferCoordinatesForWfsT11='false' restrictToRequestBBOX='1' srsname='EPSG:25832' typename='favrskov:gadelysskab' url='' version='1.1.0' In the QGIS GUI this string is called a URI, though I don't think thats a URI. ...
isn't even close to any recognizable Matlab syntax. An assignment inside an argument list is verboten entirely, and the object will accept only whatever named parameters it's been coded to accept in the form it expects.
This attribute is not supported in Microsoft Word 2013 or later. b. The standard defines the attribute style:data-style-name, contained within the element <style:style> This attribute is not supported in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 or later.English...
swAddinBrokerBBoxOption_e Bounding box options. Bitmask. swAdditionalSymbol_e Additional symbols in Gtol frame boxes. swAddMateError_e Status after adding or editing a mate. swAddOrdinateDims_e Types of ordinate dimensions. swAddSpecificDimension_e Status...
int ExtractBbox(int sequence, float *mins, float *maxs); void SetSequenceBox(void); int LookupActivity(int activity) { return 0; } int LookupActivityHeaviest(int activity) { return 0; } int LookupSequence(const char *label) { return 0; } void ResetSequenceInfo(void) { } void Dispatch...
This attribute is not supported in Microsoft Excel 2013 or later. b. The standard defines the attribute table:filter-name, contained within the element <table:table-source>, contained within the parent element <table:table> This attribute is not supported in Excel 2013 or later.English...
swAddinBrokerBBoxOption_e Bounding box options. Bitmask. swAdditionalSymbol_e Additional symbols in Gtol frame boxes. swAddMateError_e Status after adding or editing a mate. swAddOrdinateDims_e Types of ordinate dimensions. swAddSpecificDimension_e Status...