The PhoneticFullName element contains the full name of a contact, including the first and last name, spelled phonetically.
🏷 ascii, ascii-art, box-drawing, markdown, unicode, vscode, vscode-extension, vscode-plugin 📒 A VS Code extension for simplifying box drawing with Unicode and ASCII vscode-bare-extension ⚖️ vscode-bare-extension 🏷 vscode, vscode-extension 📒 Finding the minimal possible VS Code ...
PhoneNumberKeyType PhoneType PhysicalAddressDictionaryEntryType PhysicalAddressIndexType PhysicalAddressKeyType PinInfoType PlayOnPhoneCompletedEventArgs PlayOnPhoneCompletedEventHandler PlayOnPhoneResponseMessageType PlayOnPhoneType PolicyNudgeRulesServiceConfiguration PostalAddressAttributedValueType PostItemType PostReply...
This might be the most important step of the process because you are defining the criteria for success. So this is our chance to outline what the name needs to do, and, in particular what you don’t want it to do. The naming strategy is your blueprint, and we will refer to it ...
System.Windows.Controls.DrawingSurface,DrawingSurfaceBackgroundGridclasses SwapChainPanelclass System.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxclass RichEditBoxclass System.Windows.Controls.WrapPanelclass No direct equivalent for general layout purposes.ItemsWrapGridandWrapGridcan be used in the items panel template of an...
Circle “Plain“. You won’t need a certified copy for this. Enter yournameandmailing address. Circle “plain” in the first paragraph. Circle “$5” in the second paragraph. Enter your name, title (“Member” or “Manager“), and phone number at the bottom. ...
The mapping table will help you when you're working in a Windows Runtime project and you're re-using source code from a Windows Phone Silverlight project. There are differences in the names of namespaces and classes (including UI controls) between the two platforms. In many cases it's as...
"Service Bus for Windows Server" section on the MSDN site. “Service Bus” topic on the MSDN site. “Now Available: The Service Bus September 2011 Release” article on the Windows Azure Blog. “Queues, Topics, and Subscriptions” article on the MSDN site. ...
I paused for a moment to mull over how I could avoid detection by the squids while scouring the ship for survivors and useful info to relay back to Siobhan. If our invertebrate assailants were smarter than we had been giving them credit for, they were probably drawing us out, waiting to...
How do I obtain the SDK version, product version, device type (tablet or mobile phone), and build version of a device? How do I choose between console.log and HiLog? What is the log with the private tag used for? How does HiLog print the log information marked with the private ...