The number of the motion,thename,surname,andconstituency of the deputy, and the subject of the motion are published in the Order Paper. 质询议案的主编号,提案人的姓名、选区和议案内容概要一同列入来文目录后即被正式受理。
Generally for women along with marriage crops a question of change of name/surname. These days many women choose to retain their last name and some add their husband’s last name to it such as Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. While to change or not to change the last name is a very personal deci...
The minutes can be searched by using criteria like: key word, constituency, name of the deputy,matter,nameofthe assembly, legislative term, legislative year, and date interval. 通过输入“关键词、选区、议员名、主题、议会名称、立法周期、立法年度、日期间隔”...
campaign finance reports, and a number of other publicly available registers of individuals. This demographic information forms a bridge between the targeting of online advertising and various public lists. When these data
We build on Ryan (2012)'s approach by noting that these (and other) demographic characteristics targetable on websites like Facebook are also present in voter files, campaign finance reports, and a number of other publicly available registers of individuals. This demographic information forms a ...