Discover a wide selection of random name generators and illustrated short stories. Lovingly managed since 2011. Thank you for your visit!
The first object to compare. y Type: T The second object to compare. Return Value Type: System.Int32 A signed integer that indicates the relative values of x and y, as shown in the following table. 展开表 Value Condition Less than 0 x is less than y. 0 x equals y. Greater than...
Well, I found the trouble. I used an object instead of a string: room = ChatRoom.objects.filter(slug=room_slug)# Broadcast to listening socketsGroup("chat-%s"% room).send({... Solution: Group("chat-%s"% room_slug).send({... ...
The name of the object. Components share the same name with the game object and all attached components. If a class derives from MonoBehaviour it inherits the "name" field from MonoBehaviour. If this class is also attached to GameObject, then "name" field is set to the name of that GameOb...
Object ObjectDisposedException ObsoleteAttribute OperatingSystem OperationCanceledException OutOfMemoryException OverflowException ParamArrayAttribute PlatformID PlatformNotSupportedException Predicate<T> Progress<T> Random Range RankException ReadOnlyMemory<T> ReadOnlySpan<T>.Enumerator ReadOnlySpan<T> ResolveEventArg...
name(String) name() Gets or sets the name that is used in code to identify a form, report, table, query, or another Finance and Operations application C# Копировать public virtual string name (string _value); Parameters _value String Returns String ...
This class provides methods for manipulating a collection of Nodes. This class does not preserve the order in which you added the nodes, so when you enumerate them you will get them back in a random order. GraphNodeId A GraphNodeId is a name/value pair, for example "a=b". The left...
get3: returns a random name with length 3. (you can pass"金金金"/"水火土"/ ... or leave it blank) dict: the dictionary object. Examples: randomName.names.get();randomName.names.get1();randomName.names.get2();randomName.names.get3();randomName.names.get1("金");randomName.names...
Out[5]: Index(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], dtype='object') pd.Series(np.random....
(q):ifq ==1.0:return1U =1.0- random.random() G =int(ceil(log(U) / log(1.0- q)))returnG# A class that represents the process of generation of Groups (arrivals)classGenerador(Process):defgenerar(self, prob,interarribo, porc_torniq, porc_taq, porc_maq,min,max, moda, tsertaq, ...