Today's Islamic prayer times for cities worldwide are available on this page. You can find detailed namaz timings for your city, including Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha times. These prayer timings are customized for each city based on their geographical location. Stay connected for accu...
Brighton Prayer Times - Today Brighton prayer timings are Fajr Time 06:24, Dhuhr Time 12:11, Asr Time 13:54, Maghrib Time 16:13 and Isha Time 17:49 . Get monthly Brighton salah timings and 7 days accurate Brighton prayer time table.
timestamp OPTIONAL-DEFAULT = UNIX timestamp (from any time of the day) of the day for which you want the timings. If you don't specify a timestamp, the result will come back for today - today being the date in the Europe/London timezone. ...
With its user-friendly interface, It provides Today's Prayer Time for every country, ensuring Muslims never miss a beat in their spiritual journey. Whether in the heart of London or the depths of Riyadh, the platform ensures that the call to prayer is honored, underscoring how technology can...