Brighton Prayer Times - Today Brighton prayer timings are Fajr Time 06:24, Dhuhr Time 12:11, Asr Time 13:54, Maghrib Time 16:13 and Isha Time 17:49 . Get monthly Brighton salah timings and 7 days accurate Brighton prayer time table.
your respective city from this page. Every big or small city of is covered in this regard and proper prayer timings schedule is available so you don’t have to miss out any prayer. Bookmark the Prayer Timings schedule on your laptop or smart phone with ease and get notifications on time....
Accurate Islamic Prayer Times for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha in New Malden, Greater London, UK
timestamp OPTIONAL-DEFAULT = UNIX timestamp (from any time of the day) of the day for which you want the timings. If you don't specify a timestamp, the result will come back for today - today being the date in the Europe/London timezone. ...
aAs you read this I do not want you to feel sorry for me because I believe every one will die someday, my name is Ms.Vivian Selsman, a merchant in London.I have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer and have been in the hospital for a very long time after all forms of medical tre...
Find daily Prayer Times (أوقات الصلاة) around the World. Get updated with Accurate (Namaz Timing) Muslim Prayer Timetable & Salaat Schedule as Muslims offers five times pray in a day.
Since our clock is 2 hours 38 minutes ahead of the time of zawâl (midday) while the mean solar time in London is 1 hour 56 minutes slower than that in Istanbul, the interval from midnight in London to the time we measure the altitude in Istanbul is 12:00+2:38-1:56=12:42=12.7...