贝瓦儿歌 - Namangan纳曼干
Namangan Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Namangan:Tashkent,Namangan Oblast Na·man·gan (nä′mən-gän′, nə-mən-) A city of eastern Uzbekistan east of Tashkent. It has textile and food-processing industries. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. ...
Namangan [ nah-muhn-gahn; Russian nuh-muhn-gahn ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun a city in E Uzbekistan, NW of Andizhan.Discover More Example Sentences Military-age men clogged airports and border crossings trying to flee, and some ended up in distant cities like Istanbul and Namangan, Uzbekist...
The meaning of NAMANGAN is city in the Fergana Valley, in the part of eastern Uzbekistan that juts into Kyrgyzstan population 476,000.
Premium myVentusky 关于 Namangan Uzbekistan / 纬度: 41°0'北 / 经度: 71°40'东 / 高度: 446 m时区: Asia/Tashkent (UTC+5) / 当前时间: 14:55 2025-02-15 当前天气 预报 日月 8.3 °C 风 4 km/h 气压 1020 hPa 能见度 2 km 云量 100 % 来自气象台的天气报告 Namangan, 距离: 7 km (...
纳曼干 机场三字码 城市名纳曼干 城市名(英文)NAMANGAN 机场三字码NMA 机场四字码 机场名称纳曼干 机场名称(英文)NAMANGAN 国家(地区)代码UZ 国家(地区)名称乌兹别克斯坦 纬度40.9833 经度71.6000
Namangan, oblast (province), eastern Uzbekistan, in the northern part of the Fergana Valley. It is traversed by the Syr Darya, the Severny (Northern) Fergana irrigation canal, and the Great Namangan Canal. The economy is predominantly agricultural. Becau