GroupNameTooLong=Ten thu muc hoac duong dan qua dai. InvalidGroupName=Ten thu muc khong hop le. BadGroupName=Ten thu muc khong duoc chua cac ki tu sau:%n%n%1 NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Khong tao mot thu muc trong menu Start ; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page WizardReady=San sang ...
Although online review analysis is meaningful for hotel managers because of its practicality in business operations, a specific model, method, or tool is needed to explore customer emotions. This study proposes a method to analyze customers’ online reviews of Vietnamese hotel services. With a ...
Compared to the two groups of raters of Vietnamese origin, Czech European raters depend more on averageness possibly due to their inability to assess other cues. Facial averageness is a relatively time-stable cue to long-term healthiness83, while current health143, ageing144, and potentially al...
Cisco Prime NAM 2400 Series Appliances Install the Transceiver Modules Install the Transceiver Modules You can order SFP or SFP+ transceiver modules as hardware options or you can use modules you might already own as long as they meet the specifications described in the data...
Vietnamese domestic firms, in turn, will need to focus more on long- term value creation, including boosting branding and increasing quality, improving management, and focusing on bottom-line rather than simple revenue growth. McKinsey Global Institute Sustaining ...
1. Review the requirements and preparations for NAM module installation. See Requirements and Restrictions. 2. Install the module in a Nexus 7000 series switch. See Installing NAM Hardware in a Cisco Nexus 7000 Device. The module software boots up automatically. See Installing Prim...
There is no long-term-oriented policy and no empirical studies to make more specific and comprehensive estimates based on the collected information. Unlike previous studies, in this study, we try to make estimates of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on macro variables of the Vietnamese ...
Factors influencing antibiotic prescribing in long-term care facilities: A qualitative in-depth study. BMC Geriatr. 2014, 14, 136. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Hassali, M.A.; Oh, A.L.; Al-Haddad, M.S.; Sulaiman, S.A.S.; Shafie, A.A.; Awaisu, A. Public ...
Avoid interrupting your work in progress when needing to review a pull request. Simply create a new worktree and open it in a new VS Code window, all without impacting your other work. GitKraken WorkspacesPreview GitKraken Workspaces allow you to easily group and manage multiple repositories togeth...
Previous studies have found that many KRN QTLs are clustered in hotspots across the genome. Calderón et al. [39] mapped a region on the long arm of chromosome 1 containing the QTLKRN1.4for KRN, and this QTL had a 1.5-logarithm of odds (LOD) confidence interval of 203 kb. Wang et al...