Go bo chung tren he thong cua ban se khong gay ra bat cu thiet hai nao. SharedFileNameLabel=Ten tep: SharedFileLocationLabel=Vi tri: WizardUninstalling=Tinh trang go StatusUninstalling=Dang go cai dat %1... ; *** Shutdown block reasons ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Dang cai dat %1....
Go bo chung tren he thong cua ban se khong gay ra bat cu thiet hai nao. SharedFileNameLabel=Ten tep: SharedFileLocationLabel=Vi tri: WizardUninstalling=Tinh trang go StatusUninstalling=Dang go cai dat %1... ; *** Shutdown block reasons ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Dang cai dat %1....
My American English for your Vietnamese - Ban tieng Viet / Toi tieng AnhCheryl
Pxduong,anhdung14161,nguyendg,chuongd,thuyetbatdac,doanthiket,tanchau1954,deepblue65,dgiapdmd,ttn3419,t0mt1t,harveyngo,pknkap,nguyendinhluan,Beocharlie,hiroshi4869,DuongDuong,lejphuong,205005,Unmei Fuyu,balaolunxit,ThanhPhan,djphan,Banthad,Son Hue,tiengtrongmelinh,trungthu10ba,vanessahoang,Bbin...
上一首:Hong Nhan - Bum Ft Thien Matthew Mix 下一首:Cứu Vãn Không Kịp - Teejay 编号:126547 分类:PRODUCER VN 收藏:0 音质:320 Kbps 大小:9.42MB 时间:23/03/27 分享到: 温馨提示:下载的舞曲不会有广告音插入音乐中 ...
https://www.voatiengviet.com/a/project-88-viet-nam-bat-giam-ong-nguyen-van-binh-vu-truong-vu-phap-che-bo-ld-tb-xh/7602408.html Việt Nam giấu tin về vụ bắt Nguyễn Văn Bình, giới chức Bộ Lao Động ...
Some common Vietnamese greetings and expressions are:Chao ong("jow ohm")—Hello (to an older man or to one to whom one wishes to show respect);Chao anh—Hello (to a male friend);Chao ba("jow ba")—Hello (to an older woman);Chao co("jow go")—Hello (to a younger woman);Di ...
peto - Nam Anh Em Tren Mot Chiec Xe Tang / Co Gai Mo Duong / Tieng Chay Tren Soc Bombo (Remix)
Baby learning English app helps the children from kindergarten can learn English easily through the basic topics such as shape, color, job, numbers, .. and the…
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