This Sanskrit term “Nakshatra,” is comprised of its constituent parts: “Naks” meaning “Sky” and “Shetra” meaning “Region”, which can be termed as “Sky Map.” There are 27 nakshatras, also known as Lunar Mansions in the western stream with 4 Padas or parts of 3°20′ each...
Shani makes the rules and Rahu breaks the rules (or ignores the rules or avoids the rules). Generally Rahu folk are unwelcome in Shani's fixed-role, orderly environments. Rahu tends to find Shani people as rather irrelevant in Rahu's opportunistic exploitations of chaotic or shifting-role Pus...
Sanskrita namah:pippala , bodhitaru, caladala, hayamarana, maggalya, naagabandhu, tarayana, vipra, zrimat Tibetan (bodkye):ba lang Common names:Pipal Ficus religiosa= peepal tree sacred toPushkararajaNakshatra Maha-Bodhi Tree at theBodha-gaya Templein Nepal Said to be a descendant tree o...
Site says Saanvi means Goddess Lakshmi* but i want to double check before going for this name. I think in Urdu Saanvi means 'secondary' not sure what it means in hindi or sanskrit. Some site says Anvi in sanskrit means Some Devi, but didnt find any ref. in sanskrit dictionary. ( ...
Taittiriya Brahmana (III.10.1) gives separate names for the days and nights of the bright half of the moon and their muhurtas, the days and nights of the dark half of the moon and their muhurtas, the twelve bright and twelve dark halves of the month in the year, the thirteen months...
The Dhanishta heavenly body is additionally known to be drum-formed or dolphin-shaped. The term Dhanishta converts into ‘the most altruistic’ or ‘the wealthiest’. It is otherwise called the Shravishta, which is Sanskrit for ‘the acclaimed’ or ‘somebody who is the most known about’....
Sanskrita namaha:khadira, balapattraka, jihmazalya, kaSAyaka, kSitikSama, kuSThakaNTaka, naemivRkSa, pathidruma, payora, pUtudru, rAgacUrNa, vakrakaNTaka, saradruma, yupadruma, zvetasAra Common name =khadira Acacia Catechu(Khadira) tree ...