什么值得买为您提供【NAKED & FAMOUS DENIM是哪个国家的牌子】的相关原创好文,想了解更多【NAKED & FAMOUS DENIM是哪个国家的牌子】文章信息就上什么值得买,让您买得值。
NAKED & FAMOUS DENIM的牛仔裤多使用日本面料并在加拿大生产,不仅推出了Wired Guy等养广受好评的裤型,还会结合多种亚文化主题推出限定款,并一度推出32oz的超重磅牛仔裤,体现出品牌颇具玩味的经营理念。 明星单品 查看更多 Naked & Famous Denim STACKED GUY 牛仔裤revolve 1011.1元起 想买0 买过0 口碑0 ...
Naked & Famous Denim brand: Naked & Famous Denim $101 Previous price: $182 颜色: 黑色 已售罄请选择一个尺码 尺码: 尺码: S 尺码: M 尺码: L 电子邮件 通知我 或提交特殊订单请求 描述, currently selected 尺码及版型 100% 棉花. 机洗. 纽扣前闭合. 胸部纽扣翻盖口袋. Made in Canada...
SHERPA 夹克 Naked & Famous Denim brand: Naked & Famous Denim $187 颜色: 靛蓝 已售罄 请选择一个尺码 尺码: 尺码: S 尺码: M 尺码: L 电子邮件 通知我 或提交特殊订单请求 描述, currently selected 尺码及版型 本布:100% 棉花.羊羔绒: 65% 聚乙烯, 35% 腈纶. 机洗. 纽扣前...
Rare and Raw Japanese Denim. Proudly Made in Canada. We devote all of our resources to sourcing the world’s best fabric and turning it into awesome jeans. No advertising, no washes, no pre-distressing, no nonsense. Just excellent denim at a reasonabl
Nakedandfamousdenim牛仔衬衫kimono赤耳深色加拿大衬衫Naked and famous denim 牛仔 衬衫 kimono 赤耳 深色 加拿大制造¥1180 折后¥1180 发货地: 福建 漳州 品牌: DENIM/帝宁 赤耳 风格: Naked AND famous DENIM 牛仔 衬衫 kimono 赤耳 深色 加拿大 ...
Naked & Famous Denimonly uses the most unique and rare denim fabrics from Japan. The prestigious mills in Japan, from which they import all their fabric, are committed to producing only the best (and most expensive) denim in the world. Throughout each step in denim production (weaving, dyei...
Shop the entire Naked & Famous Denim newest seasonal collection and core essentials all in one place, surrounded by beautiful decors from the wall of fade, the real Japanese raw denim floors, our indigo dyed counter tops to the Japanese boro change room curtains. We put a lot of heart and...
Naked &Famous Denim 生于加拿大,是一家只使用來自日本高级单宁布料制造原色牛仔裤的厂家。 每件裤子的制作都是在加拿大完成,精湛的加工和过硬的质量,最重要的是这个牌子只做原色牛仔,没有任何水洗,在穿着过程中,落色显著。出品过香味牛仔,夜光牛仔,热敏牛仔,是世界上最疯狂的牛仔裤创意品牌,没有之一。当年出品的...
美亚现报价108.08美元,转运到手约740元,尺码齐全,喜欢可入 Naked & Famous Denim是加拿大的知名牛仔品牌。这款Naked & Famous Denim 男式羊毛豹纹夹克,51%羊毛含量,产地加拿大。