中道Nakamichi CassetteDeck2卡座 二磁头 成色美品 录放都好 声音耐听 100V电压 1800元 ...
日本 中道 nakamichi Cassette Deck 1.5 卡座 种 类:卡座 型 号:nakamichi Cassette Deck 1...
Price drop We Are Rewind Bluetooth Stereo Cassette Player Brand New Originally £159, now £145 (9% price drop) £159 9% price drop £145 Free delivery Add to Basket 14-day return policy Price drop Technics RS-B465 Stereo Cassette Deck - Dolby B-C NR HX Pro Used – Very Good ...
Fortunately for audiophiles, these and other obstacles indigenous to the cassette became a source of fascination for Niro Nakamichi. The company bearing his name was founded by his brother Esturo in 1948 as a research outfit before it veered into reel-to-reel tape deck design in the 1950s. B...
Nakamichi Cassette Deck 1 (1990-1992) Nakamichi DR-1 (1992-) Among the above three Nakamichi cassette decks, the CR-7A wow-and-flutter (0.027%) outperforms the Cassette Deck 1 and DR-1 (both 0.035%). Only the Nakamichi Dragon has superior wow-and-flutter (0.019%). ...
This site is NOT affiliated with Nakamichi, it is purely a tribute to the Cassette Decks made by Nakamichi. Visit our daughter site www.cassettedeck.org! Please register your Nak today in theregistrationarea. Please donate parts and broken decks indonationarea ...
Nakamichi 680ZS Cassette Deck Service Manual
I'm posting these quick measurements in case anyone is looking for an affordable, no-nonsense vintage tape deck that performs very well. This is a high quality 3-head Denon cassette deck from 1986 that goes for a lot less than better known Denon decks such as the DN-790R and ...
Jan 11 1998Added Cassette Deck 1 image, taken from the Nakamichi Home Audio Owner's Club of Japan website. Jan 8 1998Added images for the 481 and 482, thanks to Lennard Valk for lending me his flyers! Also added images for the NR-100/NR-200/HighComII and the T-100. ...
This is a detail measurements of the iconic, Nakamichi Dragon Vintage cassette deck. It was kindly brought to me at a meet at our local audio store (Gig...