中道Nakamichi CassetteDeck2卡座 二磁头 成色美品 录放都好 声音耐听 100V电压 1800元 ...
日本 中道 nakamichi Cassette Deck 1.5 卡座 种 类:卡座 型 号:nakamichi Cassette Deck 1...
Vintage Cassette Deck and Boombox - Nakamichi and other: Repair - Exploitation - Adjusting - Photo. Orange Cap replacement procedure. Сайтпосвященмоемуувлечению: винтажнойаудиоаппаратуре - кассетнымдекамибумб...
This is a detail measurements of the iconic, Nakamichi Dragon Vintage cassette deck. It was kindly brought to me at a meet at our local audio store (Gig...
Why is this such an evocative name?... especially amongst those old enough to remember and have used the humble cassette deck as a serious source component in their hi-fi system… not just something to make tapes for the car player!
cassette's troublesome, built-in pressure pad (normally intended to improve tape-to-head contact) and relied solely on the motors to provide the desired pressure. In Stereo Review's April 1983 review, written by Craig Stark of Starksonic Studio (who had by then taken over tape deck reviews...
Nakamichi Cassette Deck 1 (1990-1992) Nakamichi DR-1 (1992-) Among the above three Nakamichi cassette decks, the CR-7A wow-and-flutter (0.027%) outperforms the Cassette Deck 1 and DR-1 (both 0.035%). Only the Nakamichi Dragon has superior wow-and-flutter (0.019%). ...
Naks.com, the [unofficial] Nakamichi cassette deck resource. This site is NOT affiliated with Nakamichi, it is purely a tribute to the Cassette Decks made by Nakamichi.
Nakamichi 680ZS Cassette Deck Service Manual
I'm posting these quick measurements in case anyone is looking for an affordable, no-nonsense vintage tape deck that performs very well. This is a high quality 3-head Denon cassette deck from 1986 that goes for a lot less than better known Denon decks such as the DN-790R and ...