在淘宝,您不仅能发现Nakamichi/中道680ZX高档卡座机 ZX9 爱华S9000 SONY KA7ES卡座的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Nakamichi/中道680ZX高档卡座机 ZX9 爱华S9000 SONY KA7ES卡座的信息,请来淘宝
在淘宝,您不仅能发现Nakamichi/中道 582Z 680 680ZX 681ZX 682ZX LX5卡座录音机的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Nakamichi/中道 582Z 680 680ZX 681ZX 682ZX LX5卡座录音机的信息,请来淘宝深入
Nakamichi 682ZX \228,000(1981年頃)Nakamichi 680ZX \238,000(1980年頃)没想到680zx比682zx还贵 ...
NAKAMICHI中道680ZX卡座维修保养完成试音,此机维修后功能正常,录放效果非常好,偏磁到位。 298 0 05:51 App Technics M45卡座维修保养完成试音,单主轴直驱电机,电控机芯。 229 0 04:52 App Nakamichi中道1000卡座维修保养完成试音 279 0 03:52 App TEAC V909RX 卡座维修完成试音《惜别的海岸》龙飘飘 本机自录...
Dec 10 1997Added an image for the 680ZX (image of my own deck!) and (a fake) one for the 680. Dec 9 1997Added a lot of information to the Search-A-Nak database. Thanks to Lennard Valk for lending me his documentation! Dec 6 1997Received the Nakamichi Orion Blue Book pages from ...
遗憾的是该网站缺少Nakamichi Dragon的资料。感兴趣的朋友点开图片就能看到出品的年代和售价,希望大家能够喜欢。 480 480Z 481 481Z 482 482Z 500 580 580M 581 581Z 582 582Z 660ZX 670ZX 680ZX 681ZX 682ZX 700 700II 700ZXE 700ZXL 1000ZXL 1000ZXL Limited...
Also I’m not sure of the 680, but the 680ZX used the P9 head set, the only model to do so, (the P8 set being used across the board on all other three head models), and though no one has ever been able to explain why, my guess is that these heads had slightly different gaps...
Naks.com, the [unofficial] Nakamichi cassette deck resource. This site is NOT affiliated with Nakamichi, it is purely a tribute to the Cassette Decks made by Nakamichi.
Also I’m not sure of the 680, but the 680ZX used the P9 head set, the only model to do so, (the P8 set being used across the board on all other three head models), and though no one has ever been able to explain why, my guess is that these heads had slightly different...