Born enslaved, Frederick Douglass escaped to the north and established himself as a leading abolitionist, orator, and statesman. His final years were spent in Washington D.C., serving as United States Marshal for the District of Columbia.During this period, Douglass and his family left their hom...
Hawkins, beloved drummer of Foo Fighters, was found dead in his hotel room just hours before the band was supposed to take the stage in Bogata, Columbia on Mar. 25. His death was widely felt due to the popularity of the band, his musicianship, and outgoing and friendly character.Tributesc...
Hawkins, beloved drummer of Foo Fighters, was found dead in his hotel room just hours before the band was supposed to take the stage in Bogata, Columbia on Mar. 25. His death was widely felt due to the popularity of the band, his musicianship, and outgoing and friendly character.Tributesc...
Hawkins, beloved drummer of Foo Fighters, was found dead in his hotel room just hours before the band was supposed to take the stage in Bogata, Columbia on Mar. 25. His death was widely felt due to the popularity of the band, his musicianship, and outgoing and friendly character.Tributesc...
Hawkins, beloved drummer of Foo Fighters, was found dead in his hotel room just hours before the band was supposed to take the stage in Bogata, Columbia on Mar. 25. His death was widely felt due to the popularity of the band, his musicianship, and outgoing and friendly character.Tributes...
Barrel-chested and physically commanding, Dennehy played football at Columbia University, left to join the Marines, and later worked at jobs from cab driver to stockbroker before landing in New York stage productions. Dennehy appeared in "First Blood," the first of Sylvester Stallone's Rambo ...