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MEMEBOX I'M NAIL POLISH 我爱指甲油是比较新的一个系列,我买了一个,颜色是#NS102丁香紫。我一直喜欢紫色,所以紫色的指甲油买了很多,不
Ulta: Free 7 pcs nail gift set w/$30 Pro Nail purchase + free OPI Nail polish w/$40 Pro Nail purchase + MOREby Kathy // 06/01/2019 // Comments off NEW Receive a FREE Nail Gift with any $30 Pro Nail online purchase. One per customer. Offer valid 6/1...
on his face. so these are gel paints. it's similar to if you go to a nail salon and you get gel polish. it really quickly dries and the way that you dry it is you use an led or a uv lamp. it triggers a chemical reaction in the gel and dries the polish. so when i'm ...