Nail fungus is also called onychomycosis (on-ih-koh-my-KOH-sis). When fungus infects the areas between your toes and the skin of your feet, it’s called athlete’s foot (tinea pedis).SymptomsYou may have nail fungus if one or more of your nails are:...
If your condition is mild and not bothering you, you may not need treatment. If your nail fungus is painful and has caused thickened nails, self-care steps and medications may help. But even if treatment is successful, nail fungus often comes back. Nail fungus is also called onychomycosis ....
Toenail fungus (dermatophytes) usually only spreads to other toes. But in some cases, it can spread to the skin between the toes (called athlete’s foot), the groin area (jock itch) or the scalp (ringworm). If you have a case of athlete’s foot, it is important to treat this to...
Fungus is an organism that lives in warm, moist areas. Toenail fungus is a common problem that affects people of all ages, but is most commonly seen in older individuals.CausesToenail fungus often begins as an infection in the skin called tinea pedis, or Athlete’s Foot. It starts at ...
Fungus is notoriously difficult to treat, so see a doctor for medicine and expect to see results only after your nails have gone through a complete growth cycle (a few months). Bacteria and viruses also both cause unsightly changes to nails. Bacterial infections target the skin under and ...
Nail fungus Nail fungus, also called onychomycosis, is a common condition estimated to affect up to 10% of the population worldwide. It can cause nails to become yellow or discolored. As the infection advances the nail can become thick, brittle and separate from the nail bed. It can also ...
Nail fungus is caused by a group of fungus called dermatophytes, the most common among them beingTrichophyton rubrum.These fungi grow in warm, moist environments and once the nails provide the best conditions possible for them to survive, they grow and spread to other parts as well. They ga...
Nail fungus is considered as a fungal infection affecting to the nails of fingers or feet. When excess moisture is trapped beneath the nail, it will cause this problem. Synthetic socks and tight shoes that do not let proper air flow will also create a dark damp environment under your toenail...
Nail psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which skin cells multiply too quickly. Like nail fungus, psoriasis causes discolored, pitted nails. Most people with nail psoriasis also have scaly skin rashes, and they sometimes have joint pain calledpsoriatic arthritis. ...
Once fungus gets into the nails, it is very difficult to treat. There are several over the counter anti-fungal medications available but not all of them are particularly effective. One of the better new natural treatments is calledH-Nail Fungus Formula, an all-natural solution that can elimina...