SIC to NAICS Crosswalk Enter Your SIC Code to Find the Corresponding NAICS Codes SIC Code SIC Description NAICS Code NAICS Description 0111 wheat 111140 Wheat Farming 0112 Rice 111160 Rice Farming 0115 Corn 111150 Corn Farming 0116 Soybeans 111110 Soybean Farming 0119 Cash Grains, Nec 111120 ...
NAICS to SIC Crosswalk - NAICS to SIC Code Mapping and Cross-Reference How to Convert NAICS Codes to SIC Codes Enter a Keyword or NAICS Code in the search box above to find the corresponding SIC Code. In some instances, there are several SIC codes that match to a single NAICS code. If...
Nec 1411 Dimension Stone 1422 Crushed and Broken Limestone 2012 NAICS to SIC Crosswalk NAICS NAICS Description SIC SIC Description 212313 Crushed and Broken Granite Mining and Quarrying 212319 Other Crushed and Broken Stone Mining and Quarrying 212319 Other Crushed and Broken Stone Mining and Quarryin...
Convert SIC Codes to NAICS Codes using the SIC crosswalk search above. Easily cross-reference a SIC code number or keywords to identify the mapped NAICS Code for that entry. SIC to NAICS Code Mapping Each SIC Code is mapped to one or more NAICS Codes. Your business may currently use SIC ...
Although SIC was periodically revised, users felt it was outmoded and out of sync with the economy's industrial makeup, particularly the growth of information technology, health care, and various service types. NAICS, which replaced SIC, was adopted in 1997 to address these issued by grouping ...
SIC - 2012 NAICS Crosswalk:SiC-2012 NAICS人行横道 热度: 相关推荐 NorthAmericanIndustryClassificationSystem(NAICS) IndustryDefinitions NAICS441:MotorVehicleandPartsDealers IndustriesintheMotorVehicleandPartsDealerssub-sectorretailmotorvehicleandpartsmerchandise fromfixedpoint-of-salelocations...