Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry 115 11 Farming, Ranching, Forestry Oilseed and Grain Farming 1111 111 Farming Vegetable and Melon Farming 1112 111 Farming Fruit and Tree Nut Farming 1113 111 Farming Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production 1114 111 Farming Other Crop Farming 111...
Citrus(exceptOrange)Groves 111320Citrus(exceptOrange)Groves 11133NoncitrusFruitandTreeNutFarming 111331AppleOrchards 111332GrapeVineyards 111333StrawberryFarming 111334Berry(exceptStrawberry)Farming 111335TreeNutFarming 111336FruitandTreeNutCombinationFarming 111339OtherNoncitrusFruitFarming 1114Greenhouse,Nursery,and...
Code Agriculture,Forestry,FishingandHunting T CropProduction T OilseedandGrainFarming T SoybeanFarming T Oilseed(exceptSoybean)Farming T DryPeaandBeanFarming T WheatFarming T CornFarming T RiceFarming T OtherGrainFarming T VegetableandMelonFarming ...
Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry 115 11 Farming, Ranching, Forestry Oilseed and Grain Farming 1111 111 Farming Vegetable and Melon Farming 1112 111 Farming Fruit and Tree Nut Farming 1113 111 Farming Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production 1114 111 Farming Other Crop Farming 111...