Rather than waiting 90 days until payment was made, the company wanted to pay suppliers on the day that the title to goods transferred to them, meaning it could expand its range of suppliers and receive supplier discounts. View all Get Trade Finance Informing Today’s Market, Financing tomorr...
NAICS Code: 111150 – Corn Farming Chemicals SIC Code: 2819 –Industrial Inorganic Chemicals, Not Elsewhere Classified NAICS Code: 325180 – Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing These examples illustrate the specific and detailed nature of how industries and products are classified within both the...
Standard Industrial Classifications Codes (SIC Codes) Main Page Buyer Supplier Freighter Other Source frommanufacturersworldwide Findinspection,freight servicesand more Accessglobal trade resources and guides Be part of largest global trade community and much more... ...
type of equipment, and the amount and type of labour required. The production process is typically completed when the raw product or commodity grown reaches the "farm gate" for market, that is, at the point of first sale or price determination. Establishments in these industries may use tradit...