238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 311111 Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing 311119 Other Animal Food Manufacturing 311211 Flour Milling 311212 Rice Milling 311213 Malt Manufacturing 311221 Wet Corn Milling and Starch Manufacturing 311224 Soybean and Other Oilseed Processing 311225 Fats and Oils Refini...
All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 238990 238 Specialty Trade Contractors Manufacturing 31 30 Manufacturing Manufacturing 32 30 Manufacturing Manufacturing 33 30 Manufacturing Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing 312 30 Manufacturing Miscellaneous Manufacturing 339 30 Manufacturing Textile Furnishings Mills ...
All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 238990 238 Specialty Trade Contractors Manufacturing 31 30 Manufacturing Manufacturing 32 30 Manufacturing Manufacturing 33 30 Manufacturing Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing 312 30 Manufacturing Miscellaneous Manufacturing 339 30 Manufacturing Textile Furnishings Mills ...
13 NAICS code 238990 –Building and Property Specialty Trade Services: If a procurement requires the use of multiple specialty trade contractors (i.e., plumbing, painting, plastering, carpentry, etc.), and no specialty trade accounts for 50% or more of the value of the procurement, all such...
All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 238990 238 Specialty Trade Contractors Manufacturing 31 30 Manufacturing Manufacturing 32 30 Manufacturing Manufacturing 33 30 Manufacturing Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing 312 30 Manufacturing Miscellaneous Manufacturing 339 30 Manufacturing Textile Furnishings Mills ...
Laying precast stones or bricks for patios, sidewalks, and driveways; or paving residential driveways, commercial parking lots, and other private parking areas--are classified in Industry238990, All Other Specialty Trade Contractors. 2007 NAICS2012 ...
238350Finish Carpentry Contractors12,254 238390Other Building Finishing Contractors10,721 2389Other Specialty Trade Contractors181,923 238910Site Preparation Contractors38,870 238990All Other Specialty Trade Contractors143,053 Looking to purchase a List of these Companies? Click here...
NAICS Codes for Business Activity for the State of Alaska Select the code that best matches your business activity. Listings are arranged by type of industry. If the code is in italicized, bold print, you may be required to obtain a
238990 31-33 311 3111 31111 311111 311119 3112 31121 311211 311212 311213 31122 311221 311222 311223 311225 31123 311230 3113 31131 311311 311312 311313 31132 Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors Building Equipment ...
Constructing parking lots, private driveways, sidewalks, or erecting billboards--are classified in Industry238990, All Other Specialty Trade Contractors. 2007 NAICS2012 NAICS2017 NAICSIndex Entries for 237310 237310237310237310Abutment construction