523991 Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities 523999 Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities 524113 Direct Life Insurance Carriers 524114 Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers 524126 Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers 524127 Direct Title Insurance Carriers 524128 Other Direct Insurance ...
NAICS Label from US CensusNAICS 2017 codeLinkedIn Industry CodeLabel Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 11 11 Farming, Ranching, Forestry Crop Production 111 111 Farming Animal Production and Aquaculture 112 112 Ranching and Fisheries Forestry and Logging 113 113 Forestry and Logging Fishing, ...
There are 19 footnotes to the table of size standards, and some of them apply to more than one NAICS code. HUBZone The HUBZone Empowerment Contracting Program, which is included in the Small Business Reauthorization Act of 1997, stimulates economic development and creates jobs in urban and rura...
Digital Realty Trust Inc Host Hotels & Resorts Inc This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in acting as lessors of buildings used as residences or dwellings, such as single-family homes, apartment buildings, and town homes. Included in this industry are owner-lessors and establishmen...
NAICS Code NAICS Description 0111 wheat 111140 Wheat Farming 0112 Rice 111160 Rice Farming 0115 Corn 111150 Corn Farming 0116 Soybeans 111110 Soybean Farming 0119 Cash Grains, Nec 111120 Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming 0119 Cash Grains, Nec 111130 Dry Pea and Bean Farming 0119 Cash Grains...
NAICS Label from US CensusNAICS 2017 codeLinkedIn Industry CodeLabel Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 11 11 Farming, Ranching, Forestry Crop Production 111 111 Farming Animal Production and Aquaculture 112 112 Ranching and Fisheries Forestry and Logging 113 113 Forestry and Logging Fishing, ...
NAICS Label from US CensusNAICS 2017 codeLinkedIn Industry CodeLabel Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 11 11 Farming, Ranching, Forestry Crop Production 111 111 Farming Animal Production and Aquaculture 112 112 Ranching and Fisheries Forestry and Logging 113 113 Forestry and Logging Fishing, ...
NAICS Label from US CensusNAICS 2017 codeLinkedIn Industry CodeLabel Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 11 11 Farming, Ranching, Forestry Crop Production 111 111 Farming Animal Production and Aquaculture 112 112 Ranching and Fisheries Forestry and Logging 113 113 Forestry and Logging Fishing, ...
NAICS Label from US CensusNAICS 2017 codeLinkedIn Industry CodeLabel Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 11 11 Farming, Ranching, Forestry Crop Production 111 111 Farming Animal Production and Aquaculture 112 112 Ranching and Fisheries Forestry and Logging 113 113 Forestry and Logging Fishing, ...
NAICS Label from US CensusNAICS 2017 codeLinkedIn Industry CodeLabel Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 11 11 Farming, Ranching, Forestry Crop Production 111 111 Farming Animal Production and Aquaculture 112 112 Ranching and Fisheries Forestry and Logging 113 113 Forestry and Logging Fishing, ...