displayed. Select the code that most accurately represents your primary business activity. Be sure to verify that the chosen code aligns with your industry sector; for instance, if you are a shoe manufacturer, do not select the NAICS code for shoe retailers, even if it appears in the search...
What kinds products or services do you sell? These are some of the questions asked by commercial insurance companies when trying to classify your business by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. How insurance companies use NAICS codes. Insurance companies selling commercial ...
NAICS Label from US CensusNAICS 2017 codeLinkedIn Industry CodeLabel Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 11 11 Farming, Ranching, Forestry Crop Production 111 111 Farming Animal Production and Aquaculture 112 112 Ranching and Fisheries Forestry and Logging 113 113 Forestry and Logging Fishing, ...
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Includes Free Sample & Industry Report Buy Business List NAICS CODE 5414 100% Phone-Verified, NCOA Processed, Accurate Data NAICS Code 5414 Description This industry group comprises establishments providing specialized design services (except architectural, engineering, and computer systems design).Paren...
541430 Graphic Design Services 541490 Other Specialized Design Services 541511 Custom Computer Programming Services 541512 Computer Systems Design Services 541513 Computer Facilities Management Services 541519 Other Computer Related Services 541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services 541...
541512 541512 541512 CAD (computer-aided design) systems integration design services 541512 541512 541512 CAE (computer-aided engineering) systems integration design services 541512 541512 541512 CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) systems integration design services 541512 541512 541512 Computer hardware consult...
NAICS Code Industry Title Business Count 61 Educational Services 430,343 6111 Elementary and Secondary Schools 203,791 611110 Elementary and Secondary Schools 203,791 6112 Junior Colleges 5,953 611210 Junior Colleges 5,953 6113 Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools ...
Several charts are presented that depict the market reports, industry trends, and demographic data of the worldwide computer systems designs services which include Mexico, the Philippines and Jamaica.EBSCO_bspWorldwide Computer Systems Designs Services Industry Report...
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