ThesaurusAntonymsRelatedWordsSynonymsLegend: Switchtonew thesaurus Noun1. Nahuatl- amemberofanyofvariousIndianpeoplesofcentralMexico federation of tribes,tribe- afederation(asofAmericanIndians) American Indian,Indian,Red Indian- amemberoftheraceofpeoplelivinginAmericawhenEuropeansarrived ...
Picture books teaching Spanish speakers words in Nahuatl and Maya. FromLos Angeles Times Apart from the "talciguines" - Nahuatl for devilish men - one character represents Jesus. FromBBC In a call and response, they taught words in Nahuatl, introduced instruments and explained the sounds they ...
The letters b, d, g, f, ñ and rr are also used, but only in Spanish loanwords. Long vowels are usually written with macrons (as above), but if macrons are not possible, they are sometimes are written with a circumflex (â, ê, î, ô), with a dieresis (ä, ë, ...
10 Words from Nahuatl, the Language of... Avocado, chocolate, and more Latin American Word Origins Quiz What treat did the Aztecs refer to as "bitter water"? Where in the world? A Quiz Do you know what languages these words come from?
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. Nahuatl- a member of any of various Indian peoples of central Mexico federation of tribes,tribe- a federation (as of American Indians) American Indian,Indian,Red Indian- a member of the race of people living in America ...
Missionary linguistics and considerations of Nahuatl as a lingua franca lead us to propose that Nahuatlisms have historically been prominent in American Spanish. Diachronic studies show that after Spanish spelling was standardised, involving occasional losses and extensions of meaning, Aztec words were ...
Word History Etymology Spanish náhuatl, from Nahuatl Nāhuatl First Known Use 1876, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of Nahuatl was in 1876 See more words from the same year Rhymes for Nahuatl bottle cottle glottal mottle pottle scrotal throttle ...
Nahuatl has provided the English language with some words that came in second-hand from Spanish. Some of them are listed below.avocado ahuakatl‘testicle’, so called for its shape chili cilli, native name for the peppers chocolate xocolatl, from xococ‘bitter’ + atl‘water’ mesquite miz...
In Mexico, Aztec place names are ubiquitous, particularly in central Mexico where the Aztec empire was centered, but also in other regions where many towns, cities and regions were established under their Nahuatl names, as Aztec auxiliary troops accompanied the Spanish colonizers on the early ...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Na·hua·tl (nä′wät′l) n. pl. Nahuatl or Na·hua·tls 1. A member of any of various Indian peoples of central Mexico, including the Aztecs. 2. The Uto-Aztecan language of the Nahuatl. [Spanish náhuatl, from Nahuatl, that which ...