2. (Languages) the language of these peoples, belonging to the Uto-Aztecan family Former name: Nahuatlan Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Na•hua•tl (ˈn...
Nahuatl-language网络瓦语 网络释义 1. 瓦语 Popocatepetl为墨西哥第二高峰,在当地原住民纳 瓦语(Nahuatl language)的意思是「冒烟的山」。( 译者:中央社实习编 …hk.news.yahoo.com|基于7个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
(redirected fromNahuatl language) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Na·hua·tl (nä′wät′l) n.pl.NahuatlorNa·hua·tls 1.A member of any of various Indian peoples of central Mexico, including the Aztecs. 2.The Uto-Aztecan language of the Nahuatl. ...
Read about the Nahuatl language, its dialects and find out where it is spoken. Learn about the structure and get familiar with the alphabet and writing.
Practical Nahuatl info, lessons, and interpretations. Nahuatl is the language of the Mexica (Aztec) people and of many other many Nahua Indigenous Nations.
Nahuatl is an Uto-Aztecan language spoken by about 1.5 million people in Mexico. The majority of speakers live in central Mexico, particularly in Puebla, Veracruz, Hildago, San Luis Potosi, Guerrero, Mexico (state), El Distrito Federal, Tlaxcala, Morelos and Oaxaca, and also in El Salvador...
地区 Native to: Philippines Region: Manila, Southern Tagalog and Central Luzon Official language in: Philippines (in the form of Filipino) 用户数 28,000,000 更多 添加翻译 帮助我们建立最好的字典。 Glosbe是一个基于社区的项目,由与您一样的人创建。 请为字典添加新条目。 添加翻译 ...
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Native to: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan Region: Karakalpakstan Official language in: Uzbekistan Karakalpakstan 用户数 583,410 更多 Glosbe 在波兰以♥制成 Tools 字典生成器 发音记录仪 批量添加翻译 批量添加示例 音译 所有字典 关于 关于格洛斯贝 伙伴 隐私政策 服务条款 救命 保持联系 Facebook ...
地区 Native to: Germany Region: Schleswig-Holstein Official language in: Nordfriesland Heligoland 用户数 10,000 更多 Glosbe 在波兰以♥制成 Tools 字典生成器 发音记录仪 批量添加翻译 批量添加示例 音译 所有字典 关于 关于格洛斯贝 伙伴 隐私政策 服务条款 救命 保持联系 Facebook Twitter 联系...