例句 释义: 全部,那华族,纳瓦人,那瓦 更多例句筛选 1. After incursions by oil men into Nahua territory in the 1980s, more than half the tribe reportedly died. 据报道,19世纪80年代,当石油工人进入那华族的领地后,有超过一半的部落人口死亡。 dictsearch.appspot.com©...
Nahua 美 英 n.=Nahuatl 网络那华族;纳瓦人;那瓦 复数:Nahuas 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. =Nahuatl
Nahua noun(1) Example SentencesWord of the DayQuiz Advertisement [nah-wah] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun pluralNahuas,(especially collectively)Nahua, Nahuatl. Discover More Example Sentences He apparently was not local; his name, Papmalil, is derived from either Nahua, spoken in central Mexico,...
The meaning of NAHUA is nahuatl.
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Nahua 音标:[nawa]发音生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 法汉-汉法词典 n. m. 墨西哥中部和东部地区的阿兹台克印地安人法 语助 手 近义、反义、派生词典 近义词: aztèque 词 indigène土生土长的,本地出生的;autochtone本地的,土著的;ethnie人种,种族;péruvien鲁的;mexicain墨西哥的;tribu部落;...
Nahua is Costa Rica’s leading brand of fine artisan chocolate. Our chocolate is an irresistible transformation of the finest single origin cacao beans grown by smallholder farmers under sustainable conditions.
Alternative Names Contemporary speakers of Nahua refer to their language as "Mexicano," and some scholars prefer "Mexica" for the ethnic category of Nahua speakers on the central Mexican plateau ( Berdan, 1982 ; Hill & Hill, 1986 ). The name Aztec is commonly used when referring to the ...