ranks #1 for "النهدي" in Saudi Arabia and receives 128K monthly visits from this keyword alone, a decrease of 47K from the previous month. Keyword Volume Traffic Position النهدي 193K −12K 128K −47K 1 صيدلية ا...
Our network, online and supply chain capabilities enable us to provide 97% of the Saudi population with direct access to health and wellness products and services.Khalid Tadlaoui, Vice President of Information Technology, Nahdi Medical Company
Our network, online and supply chain capabilities enable us to provide 97% of the Saudi population with direct access to health and wellness products and services.Khalid Tadlaoui, Vice President of Information Technology, Nahdi Medical Company
This is the public catalogue data from the leading eCommerce pharmacy store in Saudi Arabia, as of July, 17 2024. The dataset includes product names, brands, promotions if applicable & the price before & after the promotion as well as the product image embedded as a link,...