Experience a full week of interactive orientation on Japanese culture, language, and society as well as an opportunity to bond with other teachers-in-training and staff members. 16 Hours of Hands-On Live Practice Teaching This Nagoya course offers observed teaching practice to help you gain conf...
* No Japanese language ability is required. * Non-EFL/ESL teaching experience may be considered. 5) COMPENSATION: Approximately 290,000 yen per month *Note: Compensation is based on an hourly rate of pay. Exact monthly earnings fluctuate but over the course of a contract period average out t...
Multiple Language Conversion System is Gurunavi's original system protected by patents (Japan Patent No. 5898365, No. 5952479) Please select seat type Selection Content Date and Time Number of Guests Course Description * Price per person* The price is in Japanese Yen (JPY) Seat Selection Please...
I am Iranian/Japanese and I have lived in both countries. I have studied abroad in a public high school in Melbourne for a year, and I have also lived a year in Spain as an exchange student in university. I speak Japanese and English fluently. I understand Persian and a little bit of...
Nagoya Management and Accounting College Japanese Course 学校首页 专业设置 学术信息 录取要求 费用详情 新闻动态 学校相册 学校问答 学校类型:私立 语言 录取要求:托福85分 年均学费 535800人民币 雅思要求 0分 录取率 61.6% 学校介绍 名古屋会计经营专门学校日本语科位于日本三大都市之一的爱知县名古屋市,以商务知...