Support & Maintenance benefits enable customers to receive access to version upgrades for one year, plus, direct ticket support (up to ten incidents), and access to the customer-only support forum.PURCHASE Purchase OnlineContact SalesFind a Partner SOLUTIONS Nagios XINagios Log ServerNagios Networ...
wget --output-document="nagios-plugins.tar.gz" $(wget -q -O - | grep '"browser_download_url":' | grep -o 'https://[^"]*') tar zxf nagios-plugins.tar.gz Compile + Install cd /tmp/nagios-plugins-* ./con...
OpManager is a cost-effective alternative to Nagios XI Both OpManager and Nagios XI offers device based licenses where the number of devices are counted. What makes OpManager the better Nagios XI alternative is that its support is free and unlimited. While Nagios XI charges $2995 for 10 ...
Our experts will walk you through a high-level overview of the features and capabilities included with... Watch Now Introduction to Nagios XI Our experts will take you through a high-level overview of the features and benefits of Nagios XI, the... ...
Nagios XI is the easy-to-use, enterprise version of Nagios that features: Web-Based Configuration provides advanced configuration features Monitoring Wizards make it easy to monitor new devices, applications, and services Customizable Dashboards allow for per-user customization Integrated Performance Gra...
Inquiretoday and let our Quickstart team help you get started with Nagios XI About What is Nagios Core? System requirements Licensing Downloading the latest version Release Notes What's new in this version Known issues Support Nagios Library- Nagios tips, tutorials, documentation, and manuals ...
Boost your network monitoring with these Maintenance & Support features: Connect with our dedicated team of experts Receive help wherever you are in the world Access to the latest product features and updates Provide input on future development features ...
Dell OpenManage 插件版本 1.0 for Nagios XI 安装指南说明书 Dell OpenManage Plug-in Version 1.0 For Nagios XI Installation Guide
plugins-python Update check_ncpa to match Nagios XI's version Aug 20, 2019 plugins-root Fix some uninitialized variable compiler warnings Mar 26, 2023 plugins-scripts Merge branch 'patch-2' of… Nov 8, 2023 plugins Merge pull request nagios-plugin...
Nagios XI might be at /var/www/html/ or /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/. Below is an example command to move NagiosTV into place, but you need to change /usr/local/nagios/share/ to the correct path for your Nagios install: $ sudo mv nagiostv /usr/local/nagios/share/ Install is all ...