本次「nagano market POP UP SHOP」華山快閃店比照日本銀座常設店規模,特製的 nagano no kuma 造型發光展櫃和造型展台也同樣搬到台灣!會場中央,高達兩公尺的巨無霸 nagano no kuma 氣球重磅現身,與其他可愛又充滿個性的角色們共同營造出繽紛活潑的療癒空間! 另外,為回應台灣粉絲們的熱烈支持,並配合即將到來的新春時...
截至目前在 Instagram 超過 50 萬人追蹤,X 平台更有超過 250 萬跟隨者,《吉伊卡哇》無疑成為近年最具人氣的作品之一。 此次0% 正式進駐台灣,首檔推出《吉伊卡哇》作者 nagano 創作的全角色周邊特展「nagano market」,展售各式各樣的周邊來滿足粉絲,在「nagano market POP UP」,從日本熱賣的玩偶吊飾、紀錄小可...
快闪店的设计与规模 「nagano market POP UP SHOP」在快闪店的设计上延续了日本银座常设店的规模与美感,展现出高水准的视觉呈现。店内特别设置了「nagano no kuma」发光展柜和造型展台,提升了商品的展示效果。同时,会场中央竖立了高达两米的巨型「nagano no kuma」气球,为消费者提供了独特的拍照背景,进一步增强了互动...
可爱爆击!日本“nagano market快闪店”插旗台北赤峰街,nagano熊、吉伊卡哇周边太萌。双十连假又有必访的好去处!来自日本的“nagano market”正式登台,于10/7至11/5在台北中山赤峰街的0% TAIPEI开限定快闪店,现场不仅有nagano熊、吉伊卡哇的气球布景,还有各式各样超萌
■Chiikawa POP UP STORE ■Nagano Market POP UP STORE 【展会时间】2024年2月28日~3月11日 10:00-20:00 (*最终日15:00闭展) 【展会费用】免费入场🆓 【展会地点】近铁百货海阔天空总店·翼馆4楼第二活动会场 💗这次有超级多的限购挂件玩偶,主题饼干礼盒 ...
The city dates from the 12th–13th century and grew up around the Zenkō Temple, which was founded in the 7th century. Nagano later developed as a market town and post station along the Hokkoku Road. It is now an important commercial centre with food-processing, electrical machinery, and ...
Tradition collides with pop culture in Tokyo, where you can reverently wander ancient temples before rocking out at a karaoke bar. Wake up before the sun to catch the lively fish auction at the Toyosu Market, then refresh with a walk beneath the cherry blossom trees that line the Sumida Rive...
Tradition collides with pop culture in Tokyo, where you can reverently wander ancient temples before rocking out at a karaoke bar. Wake up before the sun to catch the lively fish auction at the Toyosu Market, then refresh with a walk beneath the cherry blossom trees that line the Sumida Rive...
Tradition collides with pop culture in Tokyo, where you can reverently wander ancient temples before rocking out at a karaoke bar. Wake up before the sun to catch the lively fish auction at the Toyosu Market, then refresh with a walk beneath the cherry blossom trees that line the Sumida Rive...
Tradition collides with pop culture in Tokyo, where you can reverently wander ancient temples before rocking out at a karaoke bar. Wake up before the sun to catch the lively fish auction at the Toyosu Market, then refresh with a walk beneath the cherry blossom trees that line the Sumida Rive...