内容提示: 2001 ABAQUS UK Users Group Conference 1BENCHMARK TESTS FOR FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING OF CONTACT, GAPPING AND SLIDING Mr Tom Kenny 1 & Dr Nawal Prinja 2 1 NAFEMS Ltd, 2 NNC Ltd ABSTRACT The initial focus of NAFEMS activities was to improve the accuracy of the answers produced by...
Feng Q., NAFEMS Benchmark Tests for Finite Element Modelling of Contact, Gapping and Sliding. NAFEMS Ref. R0081, UK, 2001. 案例库路径:Structural_Mechanics_Module/Verification_Examples/ sliding_wedge 建模操作说明 从文件菜单中选择新建. 新建 在新建窗口中,单击模型向导. 模型向导 1 在模型向导窗口中...
The National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards (NAFEMS), which is sponsored by the Department of Trade and Industry, UK, is rapidly establishing itself as a major centre for quality control in the finite element community. NAFEMS is creating standards and benchmark tests against ...