英文: Activation of Plasma Membrane NADPH Oxidase and Generation of H2O2 Mediate the Induction of PAL Activity and Saponin Synthesis byEndogenous Elicitor in Suspension-Cultured Cells of Panax ginseng 中文: 质膜NADPH氧化酶的活化与H2O2的产生介导内源激发子诱导人参悬浮细胞中PAL活性的提高与人参皂甙的积累...
另有一篇英文论文已经投稿(Beta3-adrenergic receptor suppresses nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase-dependent oxidative stress in response to pressure-overload through neuronal nitric oxide synthase pathway),一篇中文论文已经被接收(β3肾上腺素受体调控一氧化氮在心血管系统中的作用.心脏杂志.)。