5.高完整性^^件(HighIntegrityDieCastings) 1高完整性多毒造谩程(HighIntegrityCastingProcesses) 2高完整性零件言婿十襟准(HighIntegrityPartDesignStandards) 6.模具材料和模具言殳言十(DieMaterialsandDieDesign) 1模具材料和熟虑理(DieMaterialsandHeatTreat) 2(DieCastingDieDesign) 3模具涂/B和表面虑理(DieCoa...
cation standards for die castings / section 6 / 2003 第1页 下载原格式 pdf文档(共 1页) 微信 支付宝 付费下载 NADCA-G-6-5-03(2013-8) Die cast frame, above, illustrates the appear-ance of a centergated die casting before trim-ming, showing gate, runners and overflow metal extension...
《NADCA 压铸件生产技术标准(中文).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《NADCA 压铸件生产技术标准(中文).pdf(72页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 o Effif;n;fE cno2+* zift Bfr.TE 35 Jb* Irffittt * (rADcA) rfrffiI+ frt+n /iffi )E ( i #I z=) ffi -H tr ffi tr ffiW,)rnlD/rtf...
Tooling for Die Casting 圖2-5 1.4 切邊模(沖模) 沖模是㆒工具用來去除鑄件㆖的流 道、溢塊及毛邊。沖模是㆒穴或多 穴,做成與壓鑄相同的外形結構。 依賴於鑄件的外形,沖模可以是 ㆒個簡單的開-合模,也可以具有與 壓鑄模同樣多的滑塊。在某些情況 ...
1、北美压铸学会压铸件的产品规格标准NADCA Product Specification Standards for Die Castings2003最新版本!铝铝基质复合材料铜镁锌和锌铝合金二零零三年重新修订的最新版本 (Revised for 2003)第五次出版 (5th Edition) 章节编号(Section No.)目录 (Content)页码(Page)3合金数据(Alloy Data)44A工程和设计:坐标尺寸(...
NADCAProductSpecificationStandardsforDieCastings/2006 ProcessandMaterialSelection forProductRecyclability 1 SECTION 1 FrequentlyAskedQuestions(FAQ) 1)Arediecastmaterialsrecyclable? Seepage1-4,DieCasting’sUniqueEnvironmentalPosition,Figure1-1,andpage1-5,6.0Die CastingsRecyclingCircle. 2)Istheresomecomparisonbet...
North American Die Casting Association: "Sourcing returning to the US" In a recent survey of U.S. die casters, 78% reported that they have seen die casting parts come back from overseas during the last two quarters. According to these reports, die cast components are returning to the U.S...
Die cast frame, above, illustrates the appear-ance of a centergated die casting before trim-ming, showing gate, runners and overfl ow metal extension.Shown above is the same die cast frame after receiving its die trimming operation.NADCA Product Specifi cation Standards for Die Castings / ...
NADCADIEMATERIALSCOMMITTEE ASTMStandardsreferredtointhisdocumentmaybeobtainedfrom: ASTMSalesDepartment•100BarrHarborDrive•WestConshohocken,PA19428 Phone:610.832.9500 NORTHAMERICANDIECASTINGASSOCIATION iv•DieSteelAcceptanceandHeatTreatCriteria—2016 CurrentRevisionsandAdditions ...