windows10下载安装启动nacos: alibaba的nacos在win下的启动方式,在zip解压后的bin文件下,cmd窗口运行命令startup.cmd 这个时候你会看到这个“nacos is starting with cluster”,意思是以集群方式启动nacos 然后无法正常启动,所以我们要以单机方式启动,执行以下命令 startup.cmd -m sta... ...
详细错误信息如下: "nacos is starting with cluster" ,--. ,--.'| ,--,: : | Nacos 2.2.3 ,`--.'`| ' : ,---. Running in cluster mode, All function modules | : : | | ' ,'\ .--.--. Port: 8847 : | \ | : ,--.--. ,---. / / | / / ' Pid: 10028 | : ' '...
集群配置文件为nacos的解压目录nacos/conf下的cluster.conf,但我们解压出来的目录下只有cluster.conf.example文件,这是个示例,我们修改下文件名可直接用 mv cluster.conf.example cluster.conf 1. 编辑cluster.conf,每行配置ip:port # ip:port 1. 2. 3. ...
nacos is starting with cluster nacos is starting,you can check the /Users/banxian/workspace/dev/middleware/nacos-cluster1/logs/start.out 1. 2. 这两行启动日志没有告诉你 Nacos Server 最终是启动成功还是失败,不过你可以在第二行日志中找到一些蛛丝马迹。这行日志告诉了我们启动日志所在的位置是 nacos-...
startup.cmd-mcluster 启动日志如下: "nacos is starting with cluster" ,--. ,--.'| ,--,::|Nacos2.1.1 ,`--.'`| ':,---.Runninginclustermode,Allfunctionmodules |::||' ,'\.--.--.Port:8848 :|\|:,--.--.,---.//|//' Pid: 16340 ...
nacos is starting with cluster nacos is starting,you can check the /opt/nacos1/nacos/logs/start.out 9、同理要修改第二台、第三台服务器,其中nacos.inetutils.ip-address要更换成每台服务器自己的ip nacos.inetutils.ip-address=
默认是集群(cluster mode)的启动方式 cd /java/nacos/bin ./ 单机启动(-m 就是模式【mode】:表示是单机【standalone】还是集群【cluster】): standalone 运行结果: nacos is starting with cluster nacos is starting,you can check the /java/nacos/logs/start.out ...
输入sh -m standalone 进行单机模式启动,但是他还是以集群方式启动 nacos is starting with cluster; 打开logs查看是报 db.num is null; 后面我修改了一下 脚本; set MODE="cluster" -> set MODE="standalone" ; 使用sh 命令不加 -m standalone 就启动成功了 ...
echo "nacos is starting with cluster" fi # start echo "$JAVA $JAVA_OPT_EXT_FIX ${JAVA_OPT}" if [[ "$JAVA_OPT_EXT_FIX" == "" ]]; then "$JAVA" ${JAVA_OPT} nacos.nacos else "$JAVA" "$JAVA_OPT_EXT_FIX" ${JAVA_OPT} nacos.nacos ...
the tomcat whose server.port is 8877, its consle print "Nacos is starting..." continuously. Util I run the other tomcat whose server.port is 8977, Nacos started successfully in cluster mode use embedded storage. Why the situation don't happen when running in cluster mode with mysql data...