Nachwachsende Herzklappen: Langlebig und dichtBeim in situ Tissue Engineering erzeugen Forscher künstliche Herzklappen, die von Zellen des Prothesentrgers besiedelt werden. Das ursprüngliche Klappenmaterial lst sich mit der Zeit auf. Die Klappe besteht dann nur noch aus krpereigenen Zellen....
: Dringlicher Herzklappenersatz nach akuter Hirnembolie während florider Endokarditis . Med Klinik 1998, 93 :284–293.Dieter Horstkotte,Cornelia Piper,Marcus Wiemer,Gabriele Arendt,Hellmuth Steinmetz,Rito Bergemann,Hagen D. Schulte,Heinz-Peter Schultheiß.Dringlicher Herzklappenersatz nach akuter...
Schwangerschaften nach HerzklappenoperationenKarger is a medical publisher, scientific publisher and biomedical publisher of print and online journals and books.doi:10.1159/000271104KleinRosenLaczkovicsBeckS. Karger AGGynu00e4kologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau...
Z Kardiol 2001; 90 (Suppl 6) :VI/118–24. doi:10.1007/s003920170019Kortke H, Minami K, Breymann T, et al. INR-Selbstmanagement nach mechanischem Herzklappenersatz: ESCAT (Early self controlled anticoagulation trial). Z Kardiol 2001; 90: VI 118-VI24....
195. Zweitoperationen nach HerzklappenersatzIn the Department of Surgery at the University of Heidelberg, 815 prosthetic heart-valve replacements were carried out from 1962 to 1975, 474 of aortic valves and 341 of mitral valves, including 70 double valve replacements. Twenty-two patients (3%) ...
110. Komplikationen nach Herzklappenersatz mit mechanischen und biologischen ProthesenFrom 1973 to 1985 2394 mechanical valve prostheses (MVP) (follow-up time 110,653 months) and 186 biological valve prostheses (BVP) (follow-up time 5887 months) were implanted. There were only small differences...
In addition, recommendations are given for antithrombotic medication in patients with mechanical heart valve replacement in various clinical scenarios.doi:10.1007/s10354-021-00845-7Frederik VossChristoph SuckerJens LitmatheSpringer ViennaWiener Medizinische Wochenschrift...
HerzklappenoperationBelastbarkeitAerob-anaerobe GrenzwerteHerzgrößeOut-patient heart groupValvular replacementStress capacityAerobic-anaerobic thresholdCardiac sizeWhile physical training of coronary patients has become a recognized routine method, there is nearly no experience with other groups of ...
HerzklappenersatzMechanische ProthesenBioprothesenKomplikationenFrom 1973 to 1985 2394 mechanical valve prostheses (MVP) (follow-up time 110,653 months) and 186 biological valve prostheses (BVP) (follow-up time 5887 months) were implanted. There were only small differences according to the cumulative...
HerzklappenersatzHerzrhythmusstörungenLetalitätMorbiditätPostperfusionssyndromcardiac arrhythmialetalitymorbidityperioperative KomplikationenThese days, the majority of perioperative complications resulting from operations on heart valves are more a consequence of the increasing age and morbidity of the ...