(正版) NACE SP0188-2006. 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Standard Practice Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates This NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document, its scope, and provisions. Its ...
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内容提示: Standard Practice Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates This NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document, its scope, and provisions. Its acceptance does not in any respect preclude ...
NACE SP0188-2006 (formerly RP0188-99) Item No. 21038 Kenneth Lo - Invoice INV-82423-5RNDYY, downloaded on 3/10/2008 8:54:41 PM - Single-user license only, copying and networking prohibited. SP0188-2006 NACE International i ___ Foreword A coating is applied to a substrate to prevent...
NACE SP0188-2006 (formerly RP0188-99) Item No. 21038 Kenneth Lo - Invoice INV-82423-5RNDYY, downloaded on 3/10/2008 8:54:41 PM - Single-user license only, copying and networking prohibited. SP0188-2006 NACE International i ___ Foreword A coating is applied to a substrate to prevent...
SP0188-2006 surface being inspected, including bolts, raised areas, etc. It shall be kept clean and free of coating material. 4.3.3 A high-voltage spark tester can be identified as either a pulse type tester or a direct current tester. A pulse type tester discharges a cycling, high-...
NACE SP0188-2006相似标准NACE RP0188-1999 导电基材上新型保护涂层的不连续性(假日)测试 GB/T 23444-2024 金属及金属复合材料吊顶板 T/GDEIA 18-2022 无溶剂型数控三层复合机 T/CSTM 00043.11-2018 大气环境腐蚀试验第11部分:异种金属偶接件暴露腐蚀试验 T/GDEIA 5-2019 反渗透膜功能涂布机 ...
NACE SP0188-2024 标准名称:NACE SP0188-2024 适用范围:此标准为新非导电涂层或衬里在导电(通常为金属)基材上的高电压和低电压缺陷检测提供程序。它旨在帮助检测涂层系统中的针孔、瑕疵或假期,以防止过早失效,并可能减少资产的使用寿命。 该标准包括了设备及使用电气电流进行这些假期检测的方法,能够在实地和车间应用中...
坚持NACE SP0188-2006(原 RPOI 88-99)项目编号。21038 标准实践 导电基材上新型保护涂层的不连续性(假日)测试 本 NACE 国际标准代表了审阅本文件、其范围和规定的 个人成员的共识。它的接受并不排除任何人,无论他或 sha 是否采用该标准,制造、营销、购买或使用不符合本标准的产品、过程或程序,本 NACE 国际...
NACE SP0188-2024 发布历史 NACE SP0188-2024由美国防腐工程师协会 US-NACE 发布于 2024-1-26,并于 0000-00-00 实施。 NACE SP0188-2024 导电基材上新型保护涂层的不连续性(漏点)测试的最新版本是哪一版? 最新版本是NACE SP0188-2024。 NACE SP0188-2024的历代版本如下: ...