AerofoilAcoustic controlLow Reynolds numbersNACA 2415TurbulenceFlowBubblePressureDantecWithin the concept of this study, first low Reynolds number flow phenomena , including laminar separation bubble (LSB) and stall were explained. Then a literature review on the acoustic flow control...Gen, M. Serdar...
NACA 2411 NACA 2412 NACA 2414 NACA 2415 NACA 2418 NACA 2421 NACA 2424 NACA 4412 NACA 4415 NACA 4418 NACA 4421 NACA 4424 NACA 6409 NACA 6412 NACA 4 digit airfoil specification This NACA airfoil series is controlled by 4 digits e.g. NACA 2412, which designate the camber, position of the ...
AcOkel, An experimental study on aerodynamics of NACA2415 aerofoil at low Re numbers. Exp Therm Fluid Sci. 39, 252-264 (2012)Genc MS, Karasu I, Acikel HH (2012) An experimental study on aerodynamics of NACA2415 aerofoil at low Re numbers. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 39: 252-...
NACA 2411 NACA 2412 NACA 2414 NACA 2415 NACA 2418 NACA 2421 NACA 2424 NACA 4412 NACA 4415 NACA 4418 NACA 4421 NACA 4424 NACA 6409 NACA 6412 NACA 4 digit airfoil specification This NACA airfoil series is controlled by 4 digits e.g. NACA 2412, which designate the camber, position of the ...