NAC transcription factors are involved in plant development and growth but also play different roles in the abiotic stress response. Here, we isolated the apple MdNAC29 gene and investigated its role in regulating drought tolerance. Subcellular localization experiments showed that M...
NAC (no apical meristem [NAM], Arabidopsis thaliana transcription activation factor [ATAF1/2], and cup-shaped cotyledon [CUC2]) TFs are involved in stress responses in plants. However, their roles in abiotic stresses are still not well known in Malus plants. In the present study, MbNAC29 ...
2023年2月1日horticulture research在线发表了我院甘薯研究室刘庆昌/高少培研究团队题为"the transcription factor ibnac29 positively regulates the carotenoid accumulation in sweet potato"的研究论文。 团队通过构建甘薯品种“维多利”及其高类...
TaNAC29, a NAC transcription factor from wheat, enhances salt and drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis Article Open access 04 November 2015 An NAC transcription factor gene from Malus baccata, MbNAC29, increases cold and high salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis Article 05 August 2020 Picea...
A transcription factor with homology to the AP-1 family links RNA transcription and DNA replication in the lytic cycle of Epstein-Barr virus. oriLyt, the lytic origin of DNA replication of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), ensures viral DNA amplification during the productive or lytic phase of the vi...
Isolation and functional characterization of a transcription factor VpNAC1 from Chinese wild Vitis pseudoreticu- lata. Biotechnology Letters, 2012, 34: 1-8. [29]Wang HZ, Zhao Q, Chen F, et al. NAC domain function and transcriptional control of a secondary cell wall master switch. Plant J,...
与ChIP-seq和CUT&Tag不同,DAP-seq不需要抗体,在植物中应用更为广泛。今天我们分享一篇2023年发表在The Plant Cell(影响因子:10.676)的客户文章“Deciphering the regulatory network of the NAC transcription factor FvRIF, a key regulator of strawberry (Fragaria vesca) fruit ripening”。
The NAC transcription factor family, which is recognized as one of the largest plant-specific transcription factor families, comprises numerous members that are widely distributed among various higher plant species and play crucial regulatory roles in plant immunity. Results In this paper, we provided ...
Genome-Wide Sequence and Expression Analysis of the NAC Transcription Factor Family in Polyploid Wheat. G3 Genesgenetics. 2017;7(9):3019–29. Article CAS Google Scholar Le DT, Nishiyama R, Watanabe Y, Mochida K, Yamaguchishinozaki K, Shinozaki K, Tran LSP. Genome-wide survey and expression...
[29]Zhuo X K,Zheng T C,Zhang Z Y,et al. Genome-wide analysis of the NAC transcription factor gene family reveals differential expression patterns and cold-stress responses in the woody plant Prunus mume[J]. Genes,2018,9(10):494.