商品名称:美国进口NAC乙酰半胱氨酸胶囊250粒600mg,NAC,N-Acetyl,Cysteine 1瓶体验装*250粒胶囊/瓶 商品编号:10042568333090 店铺:阿拉世家海外专营店 适用性别:通用 包装形式:瓶装 是否保健食品:营养膳食补充剂(非食健字) 国产/进口:进口 更多参数>>
N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)作为药物已经有近60年的运用史(早在1963年9月被批准上市),早期用于NAC也是解毒扑热息痛(对酰氨基酚p-acetaminophen)中毒的方法之一。 扑热息痛代谢为有毒的化合物后会导致肝脏的谷胱甘肽储备流失,进而损害肝脏。 扑热息痛摄入过量或与酒精一起摄入时,造成的谷胱甘肽流失可以致命。 NAC目前在...
Share What is NAC? N-Acetyl Cysteine is a powerful antioxidant supplement known for its role in protecting cells from oxidative damage and supporting overall health. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, one of the body’s most important antioxidants, which aids in reducing oxidative stress. This ...
They can provide personalized advice based on an individual's specific health needs and potential interactions with other medications or supplements. Overall, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a dietary supplement that has gained attention for its potential health benefits. From its mucolytic properties to ...
N-Acetyl Cysteine is a supplement containing N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a modified form of the amino acid cysteine. What is N-acetylcysteine (NAC)? N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a derivative of cysteine. More stable and better tolerated, it is often preferred to cysteine itself for oral administratio...
Click here for more information on N-acetyl cysteine Plant Sterols and Sterolins: Potential Immune System Modulators by Hoffman Center Staff Click here for more information on N-acetyl cysteine SUPPLEMENTS FOR SURGERY by Dr. Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D., CNS ...
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), a derivative of the amino acid L-cysteine,is a potent antioxidant that regenerates glutathione in the cell . In this role,NAC protects liver cellsby decreasing oxidation. Cysteine appears to decline in people with HIV who have low CD4+ cell counts and in those with...
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is used by the body to buildantioxidants. Antioxidants arevitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage. You can get NAC as a supplement or a prescription drug. Why do people take NAC?
L-cysteine forms bonds with glutamine and glycine to synthesize glutathione, an antioxidant tripeptide. However, external factors like free radicals, illness, and stress deplete glutathione levels. NAC supplements boost the availability of l-cysteine, which accelerates glutathione production. Our...
NAC N-Acetyl- L-Cysteine 500MG 60颗 Summary N-乙酰基L-半胱氨酸( NAC )是氨基酸半胱氨酸的前体和肠道中的吸收良好,并已发现缺陷的谷胱甘肽水平显着提高。足够的谷胱甘肽水平有特殊需要的儿童可能需要额外的支持,他们的免疫系统和解毒系统是特别重要的。此外, NAC是一种天然的粘液溶解,从而降低了粘液的粘度。