cervix n. 颈部 cyst n. 包囊,膀胱,囊肿 cyst 胞囊;囊状 cyst [前缀](cysto-之变体)表示“囊, 胞”之义 daughter cyst 子囊 bile cyst 【医】 胆囊 soap cyst 【医】 黄油样囊肿; 乳腺潴留囊肿 最新单词 entropy of mixing的中文意思 混合熵 entropy of joint event是什么意思及反义词 联合...
Nabothian cysts are non-malignant lesions that occur on the cervix and affect a large percentage of reproductive aged women. They usually occur because of childbirth or minor trauma; most of the time, they are small and asymptomatic and require no treatment. However, large Nabothian ...
4) Cervical cyst 宫颈管囊肿 5) Nabothian gland s 子宫颈腺 例句>> 6) cervix neoplasms 子宫颈肿瘤 补充资料:子宫颈 子宫颈 解剖名。为子宫伸入阴道的一部分 ,包括子宫峡部和子宫颈内口以下的部分子宫,在子宫的前方。其上界几乎相当于腹膜开始 反折到膀胱上之处,被阴道的附着处分为阴道上和阴道两部分;阴...
网络释义 1. 子宫颈腺体囊肿 专业词汇在线翻译、医... ... 那鲍氏囊肿 nabothian cyst子宫颈腺体囊肿nabothian cyst of cervix宫颈潴留囊肿 nabothian cysts ... www.juyy.net|基于5个网页
nabothian cyst of cervix 子宫颈腺体囊肿相关短语 adnexectomy (子宫) 附件切除术 Marckwald's operation (治疗子宫外口狭窄) 马克瓦耳德氏手术 spine (火山颈) 火山栓 宫爆肉丁 stir-fried diced pork with chili sauce and peanuts bottleneck problem (瓶颈问题) 薄弱环节问题 special defects (双宫丝疵) 特殊...