We report about the selective reduction of eight cyclohexanones with NaBH4 in aqueous solutions of 尾-cyclodextrin, PEG-400, cationic micelles of CTAB and CPC, anionic micelles of SDS and SS at room temperature and at 80掳C. All results were compared with NMR, GC-MS as well as with IR....
在完成SDS测验时,要求受测者评定自己的实际感觉,其时间范围是最近()。 A. 1年 B. 1月 C. 1周 D. 2周—— 查看完整题目与答案 相关题目: 根据合同法律制度规定,房屋租赁合同无效的情形有( )。 A. 租赁期限超过临时建筑的使用期限,超过部分无效 B. 出租人就未取得建设工程规划许可证的房屋,与承...
We report about the selective reduction of eight cyclohexanones with NaBH4 in aqueous solutions of β-cyclodextrin, PEG-400, cationic micelles of CTAB and CPC, anionic micelles of SDS and SS at room temperature and at 80°C. All results were compared with NMR, GC-MS as well as with IR....
increased bydseiianlezccotricveoiamtyspaionltuegnrdedt1h,aaeifnfoeDrqdCiuEnigivnthatheleereanddtudsciteioodfneaswltpearre3tseaernincae7do2%fdHre2edOlat(ii0vn.5eteyoqieutlidhvaveleernrsteu),astch28eti%poronofdtumhcetixture same time, a ahnitgichipaetexdcehysdsroosfilhylyatdiornopsrioldauncte2...