结果表明,反应体系中的pH对于成功制备具有特殊微纳结构的Na3(VO1-xPO4)2F1+ 2x(0≤x≤1)非常重要。此外,发现NaH2PO4·2H2O是最合适的磷源,而VCl3,VOSO4·xH2O和NH4VO3是制备Na3(VO1-xPO4)2F1+ 2x(0≤x≤1)的最佳选择钒源...
A Family of High-Performance Cathode Materials for Na-Ion Batteries, Na3(VO1-XPO4)2F1+2x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1): Combined First- Principles and Experimental Study. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014, 24, 4603- 4614.Park Y U, Seo D H, Kim H, et al. A family of high-performance cathode materials...
聚阴离子型化合物氟磷酸钒钠Na3(VO1−xPO4)2F1+2x(0 ≤ x ≤ 1)(NVPFs)作为钠离子电池储能正极材料,具有高达480 Wh/kg的能量密度,可与目前常用的锂电池中的磷酸铁锂比肩。若能规模化应用,可在规模储能和动力电池市场中占据一席之地……研究率先开发出无溶剂的机械化学法快速制备含碳NVPFs复合物,因能...
聚阴离子型氟化磷酸盐材料Na3(VO1-xPO4)2F1+2x(0≤x≤1)由于具有高比容量和高工作电压的优势,被认为是最具应用前景的高比能钠离子电池正极材料之一。其中,Na3V2O2(PO4)2F(NVOPF)具有130 mAh/g的理论比容量和480 Wh/kg的理论比能量而受到广泛关注。目前,文献报道的NVOPF材料多为不规则块状晶态。不规则的...
integration of extraction-separation and materials-preparation large-scale room-temperature synthesis Na3(VO1−xPO4)2F1+2x Na3(VOPO4)2F multi-shelled microspheres in situ generated bubbles soft template ex situ UV-Vis Introduction Rechargeable batteries are widely used in our modern society, not onl...
Here, a series of nanosized high-performance cathode materials, Na3(VO1−xPO4)2F1+2x (0≤x≤1), has been synthesized by a solvothermal low-temperature (60–120 °C) strategy without the use of organic ligands or surfactants. The as-synthesized Na3(VOPO4)2F nanoparticles show the ...
Superior Na-Storage Performance of Low-Temperature-Synthesized Na3(VO1-xPO4)2F1+2x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) Nanoparticles for Na-Ion Batteries. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 9911-9916. [CrossRef] [PubMed]Qi, Y.; Mu, L.; Zhao, J.; Hu, Y. S.; Liu, H.; Dai, S. Superior Na- ...
Zhao, J.; Mu, L.; Qi, Y.; Hu, Y.-S.; Liu, H.; Dai, S. A Phase- Transfer Assisted Solvo-Thermal Strategy for Low-Temperature Synthesis of Na3(VO1xPO4)2F1+2x Cathodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 7160-7163....
Although sodium vanadium fluorophosphate, Na-3(VO1-xPO4)(2)F1+2x (0 <= x <= 1), is a highly promising cathode candidate for sodium-ion batteries because of its stable structure and high working voltage, the low charge diffusion dynamics and the inactive materials used in traditional ...