The molar volume (V m) was calculated from its molar mass (M) using the following formula [22]: (1) Vm=Mρcm3mole−1.Vm=Mρcm3mole−1. The average boron–boron separation ( dB−B)dB−B) can be used to infer the impact of dopant gas [22,23]: (2) ⟨dB−B⟩=(Vb...
Material Preparation Reagent grade powders of CaO (>99.5 mass percent), SiO2 (>99.5 mass percent), Al2O3 (>99.5 mass percent), Na2CO3 (>99.5 mass percent), and CaF2 (>99 mass percent) were used as raw materials. The compositions of the mold flux used in the present study are given ...