NA2HPO4和NAH2PO4在人体内所起的作用 它们是缓冲对,但具体是分解成什么然后做什么呢? 答案 实际上co2/hco3在血里边是一个主要的buffer system;phosphate buffer系统在血里边只发挥一个很小的作用.而phosphate buffer只是在细胞内部发挥作用,比方说像glucose的facilitate diffusion.人有大量的CO2没有大量的... 相关推...
磷酸盐缓冲液(phosphate buffer, pb)试剂: nah2po4?2h2o? ???na2hpo4?12h2o配制方法:配制时,常先...
aAll other chemicals were of analytical grade and were used without further purification. Phosphate buffer solu-tions (0.1 M PBS) with different pH (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 and 10.0) were prepared by mixing the stock solution of NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4. 没有进一步洗净,其他化学制品...
Therefore, the hydrogen ion product molarity can be manipulated by changing the molarity ratio of the conjugate pair. A buffer has this molarity ratio term close to 1:1. The percent dissociation of the acid is entirely negligible here. Therefore, th...
答案解析 结果1 举报 实际上co2/hco3在血里边是一个主要的buffer system;phosphate buffer系统在血里边只发挥一个很小的作用.而phosphate buffer只是在细胞内部发挥作用,比方说像glucose的facilitate diffusion.人有大量的CO2没有大量的... APP内打开 结果2 举报 缓冲PH,可能是一种缓冲对吧 ...