高一教材第二章第二节钠的化合物[实验2—7]在两只试管中分别加入3mL HCl,并将两个各装0.3g Na2CO3、NaHCO3粉末的小气球分别套在两支试管口。实验时将气球里的粉末同时倒入试管中,观察反应现象。这个实验有不足:不易装固体,实验时固体易残留试管口,既要称,又要量,费力,费时。为简化实验、节约时间,做如下改进...
This means that Na2CO3 gives rise to a much stronger anion effect than other salts. The effect is pH dependent. It decreases fivefold at neutral pH after addition of HCl to 0.1M Na2CO3 as well as after addition of NaOH for pH>11.2....
We express the amount of solute present in a given solution numerically by using solution concentration units. Where the most common solution concentration unit that is by mass solute is known as mass percent. It gives the ratio of the m...